CULTIVATE clarity.

Live a happier life.

Empower yourself with tools & guidance that release stuck energy and clarify your purpose.

"Thanks to Natalie, and her amazing tarot card readings, I've been able to make some fantastic, life-changing decisions with total clarity and grace. I honestly don't know if I would've taken the leaps without the information she provided. Every reading she does always feel so spot on, and she infuses it with high vibes and wisdom. She's seriously the best!"


Welcome to Capricorn Born. I'm Natalie.


My aim is to de-stigmatize tarot's bad rap.

The archetypes and symbols on the cards represent the human experience and are a neutral reflection of your life, like a mirror.


Only the person looking at the reflection judges it; the mirror just reveals what's there.

The choice, the work, the healing, is done by you.

"I seriously went into ending my marriage with total and utter clarity (it was amazing) because of the reading you did for me, and after I did the reading that talked about the importance of stability, I pursued getting a job and I'm now making way more than double what I was making before doing what I enjoy and I'm waaaay happier than I was freelancing. What you do is SO powerful."


"Natalie's wonderfully wise and grounded energy has brought me much needed support as I transition to the next chapter of my life. During our sessions, she helped me release remaining feelings of anger, resentment, and judgement still lingering inside me, and skillfully facilitated my access to my higher self, so that I can truly move forward through what is coming with greater peace and gratitude. Not only was I reminded of how capable I am of surrendering control and fear, but I also was able to understand how to step into the greater guidance of Universe by taking a step back and shifting my energy. Natalie's openness to allowing the mysteries of the Divine to work its healing and guidance IS her magic - I would not hesitate to recommend her medicine for anyone looking to empower their own life journey."

-Cheryl L.

"I seriously went into ending my marriage with total and utter clarity (it was amazing) because of the reading you did for me, and after I did the reading that talked about the importance of stability, I pursued getting a job and I'm now making way more than double what I was making before doing what I enjoy and I'm waaaay happier than I was freelancing. What you do is SO powerful."
